We hold our meetings the first Tuesday of the month at 7PM in the conference rooms of SCHARP (Statistical Center for HIV/AIDS Research & Prevention) a division of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. SCHARP has several Postgres servers with many users, developers and dba's. We are located at 1100 Eastlake Ave N, Seattle, WA 98102.
We are currently soliciting talks for both what people are interest in talking about and hearing about.
We have upcoming presentations listed. If there is no presentation, then it is a Question and Answer period, where you can ask the local experts your questions.
If you have attended a meeting and want to contact someone from that meeting, please either email them on the mailing list seapug@postgresql.org, as we should all be members of the mailing list, or contact me directly and I can get you in contact with the person.
If you would like to receive notifications automatically about upcoming meeting, signup for our mailing list. It is also a great place to ask our members questions.
Installing Postgres on a Raspberry PI (From Package, Source, or HEAD) Rev 4-29-2013
The miracle of high performance analysis using text search in Postgres
How to do functions in Postgres
Using GIS in Postgres
Please Note: We have a new location, 1100 Eastlake Ave E. This is about 5 blocks south of our previous location on the same side of the street, the east side.
PGCon — Ottawa, May 21-25, 2013
PgNext — June 2013 ??? (last year Canceled)
Postgres Open — Chicago, September 2013
LinuxFest Northwest — Bellingham, April 2014
Additional Conference Links:
Postgres Wiki Events
Postgres Events Page
PostgreSQL Server Programming
by Hannu Krosing, Kirk Roybal
To be Published June 2013
Instant PostgreSQL Starter [Instant]
by Daniel K. Lyons
Published April 2013
Instant PostgreSQL Backup and Restore How-to [Instant]
by Shaun M. Thomas
Published March 2013
PostgreSQL Up and Running
By Regina Obe & Leo Hsu
Published July 2012
These books will be available for use by any SeaPUG member and have been donated by their respective publishers.
PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance
by Gregory Smith
Published October 2010
PostgreSQL 9 Admin Cookbook
by Simon Riggs, Hannu Krosing
Published October 2010